Posts Categorized: Announcements

SNAP Government Shutdown Update

Maine Department of Health and Human Services: February SNAP Benefits to be Paid January 17.
Message from Governor Mills.

SNAP Early Issuance Messaging for Retailers: Customers who use SNAP EBT should keep in mind that February food dollars will be added in the middle of January this year. This means that you may have two months’ worth of food dollars on your account this month. No food dollars will be added in February. The early food dollars are meant to help with next month’s food. We encourage our SNAP-participating customers to plan their purchases carefully so that they have money available to meet their food needs.

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Grocers and food producers: Increase in minimum wage creates uncertainty for grocers

Holiday sales are just one bellwether for Maine’s grocery stores and supermarkets going into 2019, according to Christine Cummings. “I’m hopeful that momentum from a strong holiday season will continue into 2019,” said the executive director of the Maine Grocers & Food Producers Association, a trade group representing nearly 200 of the state’s grocers, supermarkets, food and beverage producers and related vendors.

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Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 Linked to Romaine Lettuce

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state authorities, continues to investigate a multistate outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 infections associated with consumption of romaine lettuce in the U.S. As of Nov. 26, 2018, this outbreak has resulted in 43 people becoming ill in 12 states, with the last reported illness onset date being Oct. 31, 2018. An additional 22 people in Canada have become ill, and the FDA and our partners are also coordinating the investigation with Canadian health and food safety authorities.

As we continue to investigate this outbreak, today the FDA is announcing new steps to help consumers better identify where their romaine is grown through voluntary labeling.

To learn more visit the FDA’s website.

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Maine Grocers & Food Producers Association Awards 2018 Grocer, Producer, and Associate of the Year

AUGUSTA, MAINE  – October 11th, 2018  – The Maine Grocers & Food Producers Association (MGFPA) is proud to announce their respected 2018 award recipients.  Brackett’s Market of Bath is the 2018 Grocer of the Year; Wilbur’s of Maine Chocolate Confections of Freeport is the 2018 Producer of the Year; and Associated Grocers of New England in Pembroke, NH is the 2018 Associate of the Year.

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Maine’s Best Grocery Bagger Wins Trip to San Diego and Chance at $10,000

Congratulations to Amy Taylor of Shaw’s in Rockland! We hosted Maine’s Fifth Annual Best Bagger Championship to honor our state’s “best” grocery checkout bagger. Bagging is a critically important step for many grocery stores as it is the last impression of the store’s attention to detail, emphasizes the employee and store’s dedication to exceptional customer service and helps ensure customers’ food gets home in perfect condition.

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