Maine DEP delays enforcement of polystyrene foam and plastic bag bans

The pandemic has put an unimaginable amount of stress on Maine’s food industry and the entire supply chain including various goods and products such as single-use paper bags. The Maine DEP evaluated the landscape and determined that due to the ongoing challenges to Maine’s businesses, it made sense to delay enforcement of Maine’s ban on single-use plastic bags and polystyrene.

Maine DEP delays enforcement of polystyrene foam and plastic bag bans. The department will exercise its enforcement discretion until July 1, 2021.

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Honoring Maine’s Retailers, Grocers, & Food Producers

Each year, the Maine Grocers and Food Producers Association chooses an outstanding Maine grocer, food producer and associate to honor with our annual awards. Our friends at the Retail Association of Maine do a similar award for their industry businesses.
However, this year, we felt it was important to honor the tens of thousands of people who work in retail, grocery, and food production who have done amazing work throughout the pandemic. It has been an unbelievably difficult year and the people who work in our industries have continued to adapt, pivot, and rise to meet every challenge.
“It’s just what we do,” perfectly sums up your spirit and perseverance. This is dedicated to every Maine retail, grocery, and food production worker. Thank you for all that you do!
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Consumer Brands Honors Curtis Picard and Christine Cummings with Excellence in Government Affairs Award

Consumer Brands Honors Curtis Picard and Christine Cummings with Excellence in Government Affairs Award

Maine leaders recognized for their partnership with consumer packaged goods industry

ARLINGTON, Va. — The Consumer Brands Association announced today that Curtis Picard, president and CEO of the Retail Association of Maine, and Christine Cummings, executive director of the Maine Grocers and Food Producers Association (MGFPA), are the recipients of the 2020 Consumer Brands Association Excellence in Government Affairs award, presented virtually during this year’s Food Industry Association Executives annual meeting.

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Governor Mills Announced the Phase 2 of Maine Economic Recovery Grant Program Funding

Governor Mills Announced the Phase 2 of Maine Economic Recovery Grant Program Funding for an Expanded Pool of Maine Businesses & Non-Profits (click to read the announcement).

Under Phase 2, businesses and non-profits that employ up to 250 people will be eligible for grant rewards. The Department of Economic and Community Development estimates that nearly 3,000 more businesses and non-profit organizations will be eligible for grants as a result of the program’s expansion. The online Application portal will open on September 23, 2020 and will remain open until October 23, 2020.


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