MGPFA proudly provides the industry with resources that will help you excel at your business. Below find a list of state and partner training resources that will help educate you and your staff on a variety of topics including age-restricted product sales, food safety protocols, and workplace safety.
- ME DOL Forms & Publications (Including Labor Law Publications)
- NFIB Template Employee handbook example 1
- NFIB Employee Handbook Guidelines example 2
- Verrill’s Employment & Labor Resources
- Maine’s No Buts Training
- Maine’s No Buts Retailer Poster
- We Card Program
- We Card Resource Center
- We Card Maine Summary Website
- Maine Prevention Store Posters
- Prevention For ME Retailer Workplace
- FDA’s Retailer Training and Enforcement
- FDA’s Tips for Retailers: Preventing Sales to Minors Youtube Video
- FDA’s Tips for Retailers: Preventing Sales to Minors Slides (pdfs)
- Maine’s CDC Posters & Policies (including Food Safety)
- Maine’s CDC Food Safety Training
- Contacts for Certified Food Protection Manager Courses
- Maine Department of Agriculture, Quality & Assurance: Food Safety Modernization Atc (FSMA)
- FSMA Facts Presentation (PDF) – What you need to know about FSMA
- FSMA Record Requirements (PDF) – Record Requirements by Topic Areas
- University of Maine Cooperative Extension Food Safety Training