Maine Revenue Services Releases Updated Sales Tax Bulletins

Maine Revenue Services released their updated sales tax bulletins for businesses collecting and remitting sales tax on grocery and prepared foods.  They held two webinars on November 18 and 19 where many grocers and other retailers learned just how comprehensive the expanded sales tax is going to be.  We’re working with Maine Revenue Services to help them appreciate the enormity of the challenges facing our members in meeting the January 16, 2015 deadline.

Click here to review Bulletins 12 & 27 of particular interest to our members.

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FDA Releases New Food Safety Rules

The FDA released three final FSMA rules earlier this morning, November 13.  The Produce Safety rule, the Foreign Supplier Verification Programs rule, and the Accredited Third-Party Certification rule. More information can be found on the FDAs website HERE.


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Jack & Kathy Jo Goggin 2015 Grocer of the Year

Congratulations to Jack and Kathy Jo Goggin, recipients of the 2015 Maine Grocer of the Year.  Jack and Kathy Jo are third generation owners, serving the Town of Randolph and neighboring communities with distinction.  They provide the Hometown Proud atmosphere that the IGA moniker embodies, by employing the next generation, supporting school and athletic activities, as well as donating to families in need.

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Maine Food Means Business Summit

MFMB 2015 logo      Thank you to everyone who made this such a successful event!  We’re ever grateful to the participants, vendors who showcased their products and services in the Marketplace, companies who donated food to the menu and to our exceptional sponsors!

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Maine Supreme Court Rules

News Alert – August 6, 2015 – Maine Supreme Court rules in favor of the Legislature who maintained that the 65 bills the Governor vetoed and sent to the Legislature on July 16 had in fact already become law.  There are four bills of interest to MGFPA members that will highlighted in the newsletter.

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